Posted by: Updegraff Laser Vision in News
Tired of sporting those old glasses or wrestling with contacts every morning and night? Laser eye surgery is your answer. The benefits of laser eye surgery are far-reaching for such a simple procedure. Even better, it’s become more affordable as the technology has progressed. Maybe you’re wondering if it’s the “magic bullet” it’s advertised to be. Even though it’s more affordable now than ever, is it really worth the money? In this article, we’ll share with you 5 benefits of laser eye surgery.
By the end, you’ll know if it’s for you or not. Now, let’s dive in!
The Basics of Laser Eye Surgery
This procedure has to be counted as one of the most revolutionary developments in the medical world in the last 30 years. Think about it. It offers a simple solution for people with poor vision to be able to see clearly again without glasses or contacts. Beyond that, the entire procedure is completed using laser technology. You’ll start reaping the benefits in as little as 15 minutes after the procedure is complete. Worried about a lot of downtime after the surgery?
Don’t be.
Within a couple of days, you’ll be back to 100%. The only difference is you’ll have your vision back. Say goodbye to contacts and glasses forever.
How To Prepare For Laser Eye Surgery
Before your surgery, you’ll meet with an eye surgeon or coordinator. They’ll discuss with you the things to expect during and after the procedure. During the session, your medical history will be looked at. Your eyes will also be examined in detail. Typical tests you’ll undergo include:
- Corneal thickness measurements
- Corneal mapping
- Pupil dilation
Once you’ve gone through this evaluation, you’ll meet directly with the surgeon. They’ll answer any questions you have about the procedure. After this is done, it’s time to schedule an appointment so you can start experiencing these benefits of laser eye surgery.
1. Improved Career Prospects
There are unmistakable benefits of laser eye surgery as it relates to your career. This is especially true if you perform very detailed work that requires eyes that can take in important details. If Tiger Woods didn’t have laser eye surgery, he probably would have spent a lot of time swinging at sand out of bunkers. Imagine Richard Branson missing a zero on a contract in one of his lucrative business deals. That would spell disaster. Laser eye surgery can help you perform better at your job. This can lead to a strong career and a healthier paycheck.
2. Overall Improved Vision
This one is obvious. It’s why you’re reading this article to begin with. You want laser eye surgery to improve your vision. All the surrounding benefits of laser eye surgery are great. But they all come back to one major point. Your vision will be dramatically improved. Your overall results will depend on where your “starting point” is. However, the improvement in every patient will be profound. Talk to a laser eye specialist about the current condition of your eyes and how this procedure can improve your specific situation.
3. Increase Your Confidence
Personal confidence is king. Confidence doesn’t necessarily mean vanity, either. So many people who have had a laser eye procedure talk about how much better they feel about themselves after the surgery is done. A boost in confidence can help you in relationships, at work, and while you’re out and about on the town. It’s true that glasses don’t have the stigma they used to. In fact, they can even be considered a fashion statement.
However, this is mostly done by people who don’t need to wear them for prescription purposes. If you’re a person who’s had strong prescription glasses and severe problems with vision for a long time, being able to go without glasses anytime you choose can have a positive impact on self-esteem. The value of this shouldn’t be underestimated.
4. Enjoy Eyes That Are Happy and Healthy
Are you a contact lens wearer? This one is specifically for you. If you’re one of the many eye-glass wearers that have headaches and sore eyes from staring at computer screens all day, this is for you as well. Once your vision is corrected by laser eye treatment, you’ll not need to wear your contacts or glasses anymore. For contact wearers, this is a big deal. It means you’ll no longer be at risk for annoying eye irritation and potential eye infections. Both can be a big problem for people who wear contacts every day.
In addition, you won’t need to worry about dry eye irritation from air conditioning or dusty environments anymore.
5. Results That Last
Most people enjoy vision that’s permanently corrected after the procedure is complete. This means that you won’t need to worry about repeat visits to your optician or constantly changing your prescription as your vision deteriorates. All you’ll need to commit to is one annual checkup to ensure everything is still looking good. Additionally, you’ll be able to wear any type of sunglasses you choose. You won’t be restricted by prescription sunglasses. Once you’ve invested in the benefits of laser eye surgery, you won’t need to spend more money on your eyes for a long time. You might never need to drop another dollar on eye care at all.
The Benefits of Laser Eye Surgery Are For You
Now that you see the many benefits this procedure offers, it’s time to take action.
Schedule an initial consultation with us today. Let’s talk about what laser eye surgery can do for you.
It’s a decision you won’t regret.
We’ll see you soon!